
Showing posts from July, 2021

CoinChum ($CHUM) is a P2P crypto exchange

COINCHUM is a digital marketplace for traders and investors built on the binance smart chain #CoinChum #ChumToken# #AsianSPAC #SPACLaunch #SPAC #SPACInvestment #SPACEshares #SPACinvestors #P2P #crypto #blockchain #cryptotrading #DEFI #altercoin #BEP20 #Blockchain, #tokensale, #ICO, #blockchainstartup and link to  and INTRODUCTION : Coinchum is a Peer to Peer marketplace with various cryptocurrency offerings, including Bitcoin, USDT, and Ethereum, XRP and the Chum token. Coinchum integrates web-based features with an intuitive interface that enables users to learn from education resources, as well as trade cryptocurrencies using advanced market tools that allow for the efficient monitoring and analysis of market trends. WALLET SECURITY : Coinchum’s wallet security is protected via MPC which is cryptographically secured and protects the wallet from any human error or cyber-attack. Security to a wallet address is necessary as many...

Review Tokenpad Network (TOKZ) Project

TOKENPAD NETWORK - DECENTRALIZED CROWDFUNDING & MARKETPLACE PLATFORM. Hello Tokenpad Community! Important Announcement Tokenpad crowd sale only managed to raise 23 BNB in 14 days or about $7,300 USD as of this writing. With this, We are extending the crowd sale for another 2 weeks so we can get more funding for the platform. This will also give us more time to finish and secure a deal with a venture capitalist and some major angel investors that are willing to buy a stake in Tokenpad Network. Many will get frustrated with the decision to extend the crowd sale but with 23 BNB the market will go down to ZERO right after listing due to not enough liquidity to cover all the sellers and everyone will be at loss including the investors and the project will reach nowhere. So we are preventing those things from happening. With this, we are launching the staking platform in advance of our supposed release schedule to give way for our early investors to stake their token. We are aiming to re...

Review (ICO)Eastcoin - The Currency That Takes Flight

Eastcoin is the dedicated currency for the entire Aviation and Traveling✈️ related industries. #eastcoin #aviation #Travel #stablecoin #payment #eurufly #eastpay #asset # #icoad #deezeeshoes #ico #cryptocurrency  #Eurushaga #hbd #Bitcoin #dogecoin Welcome To Eastcoin The Currency that Takes Flight A dedicated currency for the global aviation and traveling-related economies. The Eastcoin gains in value every time it churns, providing an increase to every service player and individual who will use the money and platform. Big Vision We envision an international global community where all the shareholders use the EAST currency for the fast, efficient, and effective payment of goods and services in the aviation and travel industries. EAST will increase in value to provide sustainability, longevity and ultimately decrease the literal costs of the services offered. EAST Coin looks forward to trekking this journey together The Coin Structure The EASTCOIN acts as a conta...