A Platform Thats Pays For Enganging With Viral Media It’s no secret that everyday use of digital media is growing at a high rate. Now, perhaps, it is still quite difficult to find a person who has never been associated with digital media. So, according to official statistics, almost half of the population, and to be more precise, 3 billion people every day use social networks, pursuing different goals. Whether it’s a means for communication, or watching media files, or storing data, digital media has already come right into the life of the modern world. For today, probably, everyone faced with labor-consuming process of search of the saved information in digital media. For example, photos, videos and other files that you tagged as being liked are scattered across different social networks and do not last long on the network. And now let’s imagine how it will look like with the MAKE platform. Absolutely all the photos, videos and files you like can be sorted and...