Ethereum (ETHL) Limited Edition ICO

Ethereum (ETHL) Limited Edition

About Ethereum Limited

Ethereum Limited is a smart contract creation platform. We noticed that not everyone has the ability to write a smart contract since it requires some level of programming skills so we decided to make it easier for everyone to create a smart contract.
By taking advantage of the decentralized nature of the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum Limited doesn’t have to worry about the security of its users data.
Due to the creation of Ethereum Limited Ecosystem, people requiring smart contracts will flock to the Ethereum network – making it more successful. Lower transaction costs, faster turnaround, automation and immutability are just some of the benefits we offer.


Ease of Use
Our smart contract creation platform is user-friendly. Thousands of ready made templates to choose from will be available for customization.
Minimal Cost
Using our smart contract templates and platform wouldn’t hurt your budget. Would cost you less than a cup of coffee.
Cannot find a smart contract template that doesn’t suit your needs? Need a customized template, but can’t do it yourself? Hire another platform user through our Marketplace.
We will accept Ethlimited, Ethereum and Bitcoin as payment for using our platform. We might add a few cryptocurrencies in the future.


We want a international in which cryptocurrency is as regular as fiat coins is nowadays. A worldwide in which clever conract are as commonplace as mobile phones pills and lattops. A worldwide wherein human beings use clever settlement on a freguent basis with Ethereum constrained due to the fact the main platform.


Ethereum Limited desires to supply a customer – super platform as a manner to allow the creation, change and execution of clever agreement.
Also, to make clever agreement creations as reachable as signing up for an e-mail account.
Ethereum restrained desires to see human beings taking gain of smart contracts. Smart contracts are not only for corporation packages. The international will find out exceptional strategies to follow blochain and clever agreement to make our live masses plenty much less difficult – and Ethereum Limited will be on the middle of that innovation.


Blockchain technology
Improve security system
Multi-coin currency
Make Fiat & Crypto
Provides internal pockets
No contracts, no payments


1.000.000 token
5,000,000 markers
$ 0,70 ke $ 1,50

Distribution of markers

6000000 – Pre-sale dan CrowdSale
500000 – landing
1500000 – Bounty Company
1,000,000 – reserve decentralization development and management team
once decentralization, no central authority determines what happened or not, and not in one place. Because Ethlimited is decentralized, it naturally inherits all the advantages of decentralization, its secrecy.
How do we protect the confidentiality of Ethlimited? 
With Ethlimited guaranteed privacy because this information is not
must do at one point, they can use many points for this. With etim- reum, privacy is assured because it is difficult to track information through Network- work.
So, I can only encourage you to join your ICO if you like your project, you have 40 days remaining.
As the most interesting of the ICO data we can say that: 
Token Standard: ERC-20
Token name: Ethyl
Maximum number of tokens: 10,000,000
Sale Umum: 6.000.000 (30% Crowdsale Bonus)
Harga: 1 NTV = 0,5 USD

ETHL Development Platform

(Road Map)


Project Started
(June – August)
Conceptualization and Planning
(October – November)


Blockchain Beta Test
Implementation and Deployment
System Analysis
Bug Fixing
Penetration Test & Security Debugging
ICO CrowdSale
CoinMarketCap Listing
Wallet Release


Additional External Exchanges
1 ETHL = 1 ETH
Author : ket tumbar
ETH Address: 0x5A165374202E9648061144684846Afb8469645bf


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