“The First Blockchain based insurance Company”


The KNOX project will be the first insurance company that merges the real world with the digital one using Blockchain technology, creating the most efficient and advanced structure in the sector, to find a solution to the problem of certification and anti-forgery of insurance policies.
The insurance policies issued by Knox Insurance will be both in traditional paper form and in the form of smart contracts, allowing the customer to monitor their policies in real time, in full transparency and safety. Thanks to the platform developed by knox insurance, the policies will evolve to become fully automated and eliminate any possibility of conflict of interest between the parties involved.
nsurance companies will be established in Lisbon, Dubai and the Bermuda Islands, to allow Knox insurance to operate in different legislations and allow a token economy on a global scale.


For Customers:
The smart contract prevent the diffusion of fraudulent insurent policies because it is the same system that will issue them after receiving payment
The customers has total control of the insurance policy written on the Blockchain, chekable by anyone at any time
The customers, through the WEB and Mobile platform, can access all the company’s services and verivy his policies
For Insurance Company:
With the smart contract, there will be no delays in collecting premiums, that will significantly improve the company’s cash flow
Thanks to the Blockchain, a fraudulent policy can never be charged to the Company
Blockchain improve operasional processes and insures totally unassailable security system
For Brokers:
Earnings credibillity in front of policy holders and beneficiaries
Instant check of his admin report
Immediate allocation of commisions


The certification of the authenticity of the policies will be carried out partly on the internal platform of Knox Insurance and partly on the Blockchain of Ethereum. At the end of the certification process, will be issued a smart contract that combines the authenticity and coverage of the policy while respecting the privacy rights of the contracting parties.
KNOX Insurance issues paper-based policy. Inside the policy the customers will find the serial number of the policy and a unique bar-code.
The benefeciary has to activate the policy on the dedicated section in INSCOIN platform entering the serial number and the code underneath the barcode
Once the required data are provided, the system will release a certified PDF file where the terms of the policy are stated. It will certify the coverage and authenticity TOO


15% of the supply (Broker WhoSaler reservers) will, at the end of the ICO, be temporarily blocked by a smart contract for 1 year. Starting from this basis we have foreseen a further controlled reduction of the working capital based on the sale of insurance policies.The collection of premiums in inscoin is articulated like this:
For premiums < $ 1’000’000 1% must be paid in INSC.
For premiums < $ 100’000 3% must be paid in INSC.
For premiums < $ 50’000 5% be paid in INSC.
For premiums < $ 10’000 10% must be paid in INSC.
For premiums < $ 500 20% must be paid in INSC.
The inscoin collected per single policy, as soon as received by the company, will be blocked by a smart contract for a period of one year. After this, they will subsequently be released at a quarterly rate of 25% of the total received and used to support the increase in turnover of the three companies and ensure a healthy token economy.

Token Sale

Ticker: INSC
Type: ERC20
Supply: 500’000’000 INSC
Price: 1 ETH=5’000 INSC
Pre-Sale 1st Phase
June 23 – 30
Cap: 1’000 ETH
Bonus 30%
Pre-Sale 2nd Phase
‍‍Cap: 1’500 ETH
Bonus 27.5%
Pre-Sale 3rd Phase
Cap: 5000 ETH
Bonus 25%
Token Sale
Cap: 31’944 ETH
Bonus from 20% to 0%

Bonus ICO InsCoin

Additional Bonus based on investment
During the Token Sale (Pre-ICO and ICO) there will be Bonus based on investment amount.
For 10 – 29 ETH will be a +5% Bonus of INSC In addition to the periodical bonus.
For 30 – 49 ETH will be a +10% Bonus of INSC In addition to the periodical bonus.
For > 50 ETH will be a +15% Bonus of INSC In addition to the periodical bonus.
If you are a Broker contact us (, we can provide you special bonuses.


54% Token Sale
15% Broker Wholesale
10% Team & Advisors
10% Broker Network Patnership
9% Reserve for the 3 company
2% Airdrop & Bounty Program


60% Insurance companies set-up
20% Platform Development
10% Marketing
10% Reserve funds


We have already made significant investments and closed important collaborations with market players in the Pre-ICO phase. Our in-depth knowledge of the insurance world has enabled us to draw up this roadmap as accurately as possible.
1.March 2017
Study project realization
Team Building Establishment of the first collaborative network
2.May 2017
Forecast Business plan
Legal consulting
Invested €150.000
3.July 2017
IT insurance licensed platform
Invested €300.000 for certified insurance platform
4.October 2017
Insurance partnerships
Partnership with more than 300 insurance brokers ready to work with the companies
5.June – August 2018
Token Sale
Start of the Token Sale
6.September 2018
Trade inscoin on the main exchanges
InsCoin will be listed on main exchanges to guarantee easy implementation to future customers of the companies and proper volumes compared to our income.
7.Q3 2018
Compliance to obtain insurance license
We will obtain authorizations from official authorities of the three nations to provide legal insurance service.
8.Q4 2018
Introduction of internal platform
With it the customer will be able to access its policy via smart contract.
9.Q4 2018
Smart contract in the insurance business
The smart contract will be more and more protagonist of the insurance industry

Executive Team

Agostino R. Luongo; Chief Executive Officer
Anna M. Calcagni; Chief Financial Officer
Simone Trifiletti; Chief Operating Officer
Gennaro Scalise; Insurance Network Specialist
Giuseppe Stabile; CHRO & CBDO
Alessandro Preti; Marketing & Communication
Giuseppe Luongo; Founder
Andrea Mancini; Chief Marketing Officer


Silvio Papa; Developer
Francesco Saraco; Developer
Simone Stella; Developer
Mario Moschetta; Human Resources
Francesco Di Luzio; Support & Communication
Riccardo Milani; Support & Communication
Enzo Monesi; Support & Communication
Stefano Marozzi; Support & Communication


Francesco Piras
Mauro Pili
Klemen Stibilj
Lucrezia Cosentino


Author: ket tumbar
ETH Address: 0x5A165374202E9648061144684846Afb8469645bf


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