ICO List BeLL wallet

BeLL Wallet aims to be 


BeLL Wallet aims to be ‘the most convenient and secure wallet in the world.’ BeLL Wallet makes continuous updates on its features:
1. Wallet with Insurance Features.
2. Use of Bell Tokens.
3. Joint Ownership of Wallet.
4. Decentralized Exchange (DEX).
5. Asset Transfer Protocol.
6. Original Token Issuance

About Bell Wallet

Mandatory Requirements regarding InsuranceTwitter, Telegram and Facebook accounts are necessary when creating a BeLL Wallet account. A direct message from all account must be sent to verify your identity when applying the BeLL Wallet insurance coverage.
Image verification is required. Please upload an image when you create a BeLL Wallet account. The same image must be uploaded each time you apply for the BeLL Wallet insurance coverage.


InsuranceBeLL Wallet is a DEX, insured wallet. When you are unable to access your wallet in a situation like forgetting or losing your password, the insurance will cover this situation. And all your assets will be returned to you.BeLL Wallet enables you to avoid this risk and ensures that your assets are safely protected in the wallet.
Joint OwnershipIn BeLL Wallet, there is an option to have joint ownership in a single account. In this setting, to withdraw your assets, it requires to get verified from all approved users you assigned.If a corporate body manages cryptocurrency assets, one person’ s decision can allow transitions of assets in general digital wallets and exchange accounts, which carries various risks.
Seamless Transition of AssetsWallet owners can set up their wallet with specified conditions. For example, when something unexpected happens to the wallet owner, multiple approved users, such as family members, loved ones or colleagues, can access the wallet on behalf of the main owner.

Information Token :

Token Name: BeLL
Symbol: bell
Platform: ERC 20
Total number of BeLL tokens delivered: 100,000,000 BeLL tokens
For sale in ICO: 3,000,000 bells (30% of the total)
Paperback: $ 5 million
Hard cap: 3 million dollars
Insurance premium – this amount will be deducted automatically on the 1st day of each month.
Assets up to $ 100,000 – 100 bells or 0.05 ETH / month
Assets up to $ 500,000 – 500 bells or 0.3 ETH / month
Assets up to 1,000,000 – 1,000 bells or 0.7 ETH / month
If you follow the information on the site http://bellwallet.io/, then at the moment the launch of Iko will begin on January 15, 2019, reaching the soft limit.
Bell Wallet firmly supports everyone voluntarily participating in anonymous mode, the freedom to offer economic freedom and to bite coins all over the world.


Our Team

we are proud of our great team. He is one of the most motivated and is always ready and willing to help out where needed.
Paul Ashford: CEO
Henry Miller: Co-Founder & CTO
Atharv Pillai: Blockchain Engineer
Andy Cai: Blockchain Engineer
Reiko Evans: Director of Partnerships
Takemune Kosakai: Regional Marketing Director – Southeast Asia
Thank you from me: Ket tumbar
ETH Address: 0x5A165374202E9648061144684846Afb8469645bf


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